Strategy Chat Board

This is a private place for Board and Staff to jot down notes and continue the conversation about Beat the Streets Chicago 2021-25 strategy.  Keep in mind, we are hoping to answer three questions: (1) Who are we? (2) What is our competitive advantage? and (3) What resource constraints / opportunities do we need to keep top of mind?

Prompt: when we left Monday night (April 19), we were talking about enrichment vs support structure vs wrap around services and how we talk about our value proposition.  We also hit on the importance of that (whatever we decide to call it) being something formalized and programmatic, not random or drop-in.  We heard providing post-secondary opportunity in return for buy-in and hard work.  We talked about people and culture and hands-on work with kids.

Feel free to post in the comments and engage on these issues or any others that come to mind.