Four red six pointed star

advisory board

Members of the Advisory Board are Life Champions who meet quarterly to advise on strategic issues brought to them by the Management Team. Between meetings, they are our dedicated ambassadors, driven by a passion for youth development and the City of Chicago. They focus on expanding our network of supporters, especially among funders, businesses and institutions.

Our advisory board

Team members listed below comprise our advisory board group.

Anna Bartz

EVCO Plastics

erik baylis


Craig Bernick

Glen Hill Farms

erica Berning

New York Life

Matthias Berning

KKR & Co.

Manny Flores


Jonah Galaz

Alvarez & Marsal

Charles Kalil

Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Chris Lewis


David Kim


Nicole kustok

Evansbrook Capital Management

Chris Lynch


Terry McCann

RT Specialty

Sean Mceneaney

Glass Concepts, LLC

Dave Mirikitani

Border Brawl President & USA Wrestling Podcaster

ninos oshana

Stages Construction, Inc.

Michael Raguseo


Brad Riemann


Jennifer Shobert

Professional Advisor

Dan Verley

Canon Solutions America

martin yankellow

Correct Rx Pharmacy

Interested in joining the advisory board?

Let us know if you are passionate about Chicago youth development work and can make a commitment to the Advisory Board. Email Executive Director Mike Powell and he'll be in touch. New members are appointed as vacancies arise.

Red six pointed star

Mike Powell