wrestling done right changes lives

Wrestling builds character, grit, and resilience like no other sport. Our values-based coaching model combines athletic technique with youth development, teaching wrestlers to carry lessons learned on the mat to all areas of their lives. Wrestling done right, under the guidance of our phenomenal coaches, is our road map for a Life Champion journey.

Register by location

Locations Serving All Chicago

North side? West side? South side? Get access to top-tier training at all of our convenient locations. To register, click on the site nearest you.

see cps score locations (february & March only)

Wrestle at midway

Wrestle at avondale

Wrestle at roseland

Wrestle at tri-taylor

Wrestle at oak park

Wrestle at nta


Wrestling is offered year-round. Wrestlers register seasonally and may begin at any time during the year. Youth wrestling is available fall, winter, spring and summer. High school wrestlers join us fall, spring and summer but typically wrestle with their school team during the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) official winter season. CPS SCORE! is a special 6-week intramural program for 5th- 8th grade CPS students.

Fall Preseason Wrestling

Starting in late August and running through October, "Preseason" is an opportunity to try the sport for the first time or get in shape before the statewide youth and high school seasons get underway in November.

registration starts in august

Winter Wrestling

While high school wrestlers train with their schools, youth join our Illinois Kids Youth Federation (IKWF) club for the official November through March wrestling session. We welcome girls and boys aged 5 - 14 of all experience levels: Tikes, Development team, & Competition team

Register Today

CPS Score!

Every March, Chicago Public Schools invites us to provide a free six-week introductory wrestling season through the intramural SCORE! program. SCORE! is open to all CPS 5th-8th grade students after school at 25 locations across the City. Season includes 3 regional competitions as well as a final City Championships.

registration starts in december

Spring Wrestling

All levels are back on the mat with us April - June. Experienced wrestlers, girls and boys, have their sights set on qualifying for Fargo in July. Beginning and intermediate wrestlers  continue to learn the power and fun of wrestling through ongoing training with optional weekend events.

registration starts in february

Summer Wrestling

July wrestling camps are available throughout the City for
youth ages 5-14. Wrestlers sign up for one or more weeks. Within the camps, we split wrestlers into groups based on experience, making Summer Camp a great opportunity for new and experienced wrestlers alike.

We also hold "open mat" practices during the summer for high school and advanced youth wrestlers.

Summer camp registration open now!

frequently asked questions


do I need a USAW card?


Is financial aid available?

are beginners welcome?

What gear is required?

Can girls wrestle?