Road Trip to Minnesota's Intermat Classic!

Program Director Sonny Simonetti talks about a recent BTSC Road Trip:

"October 18 - 20, 2019, Beat the Streets Chicago took a group of 10 high school wrestlers to Edina, Minnesota to compete in the Intermat Classic. The tournament directors and workers took notice of our team immediately as we had an organized workout right after-weigh ins. We were the only team to do so as the tournament began the following day. I was asked by the tournament employees if we had any “hammers” in the line-up. I earnestly replied that our group was very well rounded. I could see the curiosity in the employees face immediately, but they would just have to wait.

"After practice and weigh-ins, we ate at the “Edina Grill”. Our boys got their fill of calories in with burgers, pasta, fish, and even steak. One wrestler noted that it was his first time eating steak; judging by his plate after dinner it most likely will not be his last time either. We got some ice cream and headed back to the hotel for 10:00pm lights out.

"The day of the tournament, one of our Americorp Coaches, Jamie Berg, led a team warm-up to work the nerves out of the legs. It was finally time to compete. After a few matches went by I started to have more tournament employees and parents asking about our boys again. We had become known as the “team from Chicago”. Their sons were being taken out by some of our guys and wanted to know by whom. At the conclusion of the tournament, the “team from Chicago” finished with three placers and one Champion. 

"After the tournament, it was time to unwind and have some fun in the state of 10,00 lakes. Being 15 minutes from the Mall of America, it was only appropriate that we indulge in the epitome of American Consumerism. Entering the mall, nothing really stands out. It is only after you witness the roller coasters and other amusement rides that you realize that this is far from your typical shopping center. When we had all had our fill we went back to the hotel for Jimmy John's sandwiches and the trading of stories between our coaches and wrestling. It was truly a bonding experience. We had lights out at Midnight and prepped for the long drive ahead.

"So long Minnesota, the team from Chicago will be back."