Dixon Announces Winter Break Schedule

From Mike Dixon, Director of Wrestling and Enrichment:

Happy Holidays to you and your family.  I wanted to provide an update to you for the upcoming weeks with Beat the Streets Chicago, specifically with Christmas Break on the horizon.

Week of December 14-20

This week we will continue to proceed as normal with our Wednesday workouts via Zoom at 6 pm. We will also have our regularly scheduled Saturday workout at 11 am.  We encourage everyone that is able to participate. 


While we don't know what this season will have in store, I can tell you for sure that those that have a solid conditioning base will excel.  We want to make sure everyone is taking care of everything that they can control.  Conditioning is something in everyone's control and we want to be the vehicle to help all BTS Chicago athletes become the best conditioned athletes in Illinois.


In addition our coaches will be reaching out to athletes for wellness checks.  If your athletes have not signed up for BTS Chicago for the 2020-21 season please encourage them to do so.  If you need help in verifying if athletes have signed up, please feel free to reach out to me at mdixon@btschicago.org.


BTS Registration


Week of December 21-27

We will adjust our workout schedule this week as follows:


Tuesday, December 22- 11 am Zoom workout


Wednesday, December 23- 6 pm Zoom workout


Thursday, December 24- 11 am Zoom workout


Saturday, December 26- 11 am Zoom workout


Week of December 28- January 3

Our workouts this week will mimic the previous week.  Increasing the volume of our workouts is a critical strategy of ours to continue to provide some type of structure during the academic break.


Tuesday, December 29- 11 am Zoom workout


Wednesday, December 30- 6 pm Zoom workout


Thursday, December 31- 11 am Zoom workout


Saturday, January 2- 11 am Zoom workout


We will make sure all the links to these workouts are made available to you as well as your athletes.  We look forward to ramping up our workouts over the next few weeks.


Happy Holidays
