Young Professionals Bingo Game is All Wet

Our Young Professionals Board is daring friends and family to fill up their BINGO! cards - with the promise to jump into frigid Lake Michigan!

To raise much-needed funds for Chicago youth wrestlers this #GivingTuesday , our Beat the Streets Chicago Young Professionals Board devised a fun game.  They each have their own BINGO! card filled 25 squares of donation opportunities.  Ranging in dollar amounts from $10 through $100, each square represents something that one of our wrestlers needs: shoes, headgear, tutoring, a healthy meal, etc.

As an added incentive to give, the Young Professionals promise to take the "Polar Plunge" this year if s/he gets a full BINGO! card.

It seems to be working: within a few days, YP had already raised over $4,000 for Chicago youth, with donations continuing to come in as #GivingTuesday and year-end approaches.

To make a contribution and tell a YP member to "go jump in the lake," visit: (choose which YP member you want to see jump in Lake Michigan on the donation page).

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