miembros del personal

Nuestro equipo empleado que se detalla a continuación comprende nuestro grupo de liderazgo principal, la mayoría del cual trabaja en nuestra sede central de Midway en 5985 S Archer, 60638.

Mike Powell

Directora ejecutiva

Marca Traviolia

Director gerente

Patrick Martínez

Coordinadora de lucha libre

Leila Cleofe

Coordinador de enriquecimiento

Samantha Barrientos

Entrenadora principal de chicas

Larry Early III

Entrenador principal de chicos y coordinador asistente de lucha libre

Justin Hames

Coordinadora y coach de marketing

Chris Helm

Gerente de instalaciones y entrenador

Adam Lemke-Bell

Coordinadora asistente de enriquecimiento

Blanca Montoya

Gerente de Relaciones Corporativas y Eventos

A simple black and white illustration of a person

Suzanne Ramos

Gerente de oficina

Hannah Weigel

Coordinadora de Desarrollo

Cathy Yen

Director de Iniciativas Estratégicas

Red six pointed star


Red six pointed star


Red six pointed star


This group of phenomenal coaches are supported in part by Up2Us and Americorps. Coaches commit to a year of working with Beat the Streets Chicago youth while adhering to a values-based and youth development coaching philosophy.

Josh contreras

Up2Us Coach - Midway

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August.

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August

A simple black and white illustration of a person

to be announced

Information available in late August


Los entrenadores que se enumeran a continuación son los capitanes del sitio de nuestras principales ubicaciones de lucha libre (¡excluyendo CPS SCORE!)

Matt Cavallaris

Capitán del sitio de Avondale

A simple black and white illustration of a person

jahwon akui

Capitán del sitio de Bellwood

Larry Early III

Midway Site Captain - Entrenador masculino

samantha barrientos

Midway Site Captain - Entrenador femenino

Joe Malaquías y Taki Miller

Copatanes de sitio de la NTA

A simple black and white illustration of a person


Líder del sitio de Oak Park

A simple black and white illustration of a person

Jeremy Powell

Líder del sitio de Roseland

A simple black and white illustration of a person

Luke Silva

Líder del sitio de Tri-Taylor