Turkey Throwdown Informal Attracts 75+

Nearly 80 wrestlers, from all around Chicago, showed up to the Oak Park River Forest wrestling room on December 1. Demonstrating their commitment and work ethic, parents and athletes took time out of their Sunday to attend our “Informal”. 

This weekend, we had Illinois State Champ and NHSCA National Champion, Davonte Mahomes, headline the clinic. Mahomes presented high-level technique to the more experienced wrestlers, while the beginner wrestlers had an opportunity to work on fundamentals with UNC alum, Sonny Simonetti. 

After an hour of technique and drilling, all of the athletes came together to hear a story from Davonte Mahomes. Mahomes talked about grit, patience, and vision. He noted how wrestling changed his life in ways that he could not imagine when he was a child. It was only when he looked back that he could see the impact that the sport had on his life. This is the clarity and vision that he wishes to pass down to the children. 

The last section of the informal consists of officiated matches for any and all athletes.  Athletes wrestled as many matches as they would like. Wrestlers would find somebody around their age, weight, and experience to challenge.  Wrestlers were able to get in numerous matches is a positive, supportive atmosphere.  Our "live-wrestling" sessions at informals have the spirit of a pick-up game, but within the framework of experienced coaching and real instruction on technique and fundamentals.  Unlike formal competitions, there are no medals or podiums, yet everyone comes out a winner.

Wrestling is always more than just wrestling.  Kids from different parts of the city came together and grew together. Often times, they do not socialize with children from other parts of the city unless they are put in a position to do so. This was a great opportunity to come together as a city and work on our skills. Iron does in fact sharpen iron.