Powell Joins BTS Bay Area Panel on Education Inequities and Crisis in Youth Sports

Mike Powell joined an esteemed panel discussion on November 18, 2020 on how the crisis in youth sports is fueling inequities in elementary and high school education inequities.  Hosted by Beat the Streets Bay Area and facilitated by Board Member Reggie Lee, the panel also welcomed to the discussion James Harris, Sonjha Phillips, Amanda Stanec and Kerry McCoy.

The panel discuss how the defunding and decline of school based athletics is hurting youth in our most disadvantaged communities and impacting educational equity of K-12 education. This trend is being accelerated and magnified by the COVID-19 crisis and the rise of private club athletic programs and has been profiled in a recent NY Times Article: “The Lack of Youth Sports is a Crisis.

Watch a reply of the event here:


BTS Bay Area recognizes the Bay Area sponsors that made possible this important conversation: Orrick, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, California RTC, United Way and Aim High. BTS Chicago joins our sister city in appreciating these generous organizations.  BTS Chicago and Mike also appreciate BTS Bay Area for inviting us to participate. 
