New $100,000 Facility Campaign Match

To build excitement and encourage everyone to get involved, three of our generous donors have come together to create a match challenge for our Facility Fund-A-Need Fundraiser.  Starting today, the next $100,000 of donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

Credit goes to Doug Baum, Joe Coletta and Ron Garriques, all three of whom have been stalwart supporters not just of Beat the Streets and Chicago youth, but of the New Facility project.  By pooling their resources, they have created an opportunity for all donors to double their impact - and finish the campaign for Chicago youth strong.

The Capital Campaign has been an eighteen month endeavor, focusing on raising the money needed to acquire and renovate a 10,000 square foot facility at 59th and Archer Avenue, just behind in Midway is Chicago's Garfield Ridge neighborhood.   Dozens of investor-donors have made significant gifts, allowing us to reach 85% of our goal and fully fund the purchase and build-out.

In this last, public phase of the campaign, we are hoping to raise the final $300,000 from our community of supporters to purchase mats, equipment, furniture, IT infrastructure - all the things we need to operate the facility once construction is complete.  The Fund-A-Need campaign was designed to offer donors an opportunity to choose an item to "sponsor" by donating the money we need to go out and purchase it.  There is also a cash donation option.

Now, with the match, every dollar donated, up to $100,000, whether by sponsoring and item or making a cash contribution will be doubled.  For example, sponsor a rowing machine for $1,100 and we will receive an additional $1,100 through the match challenge.

This is so important to us because we want to open with full programming - wrestling, conditioning and enrichment - in May.  We are 100% confident that we will have an incredible building.

Now we need to make sure we have the furniture and equipment Chicago youth need for their Life Champion training.
