Challenge Accepted: Match YPs on #GT

With an additional $4,500 in the bank following our Young Professionals' ah-MAY-zing performance at the Spartan Race in November, the bar is set.

Can we raise another $4,500 this #GivingTuesday to match their efforts?  We have until Tuesday, December 3, to find out!

"Giving Tuesday" is a philanthropic phenomenon designed to counterbalance the "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday" consumer-focused days following Thanksgiving.  Using mostly social media tools, nonprofits encourage their supporters to make donations on or before the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.  In addition to raising much needed funds, #GivingTuesday refocuses our attention on gratitude and sharing - the true values of the season.

We are raising money for operating costs this year. With the theme of $31.2 for the 312 kids (or, if you are feeling generous, $62.4!), we plan to put these funds raised directly into programming, helping low income wrestlers get shoes and uniforms.  Extra funds raised will pay for travel expenses to local enrichment events and tournaments held on weekends and over the winter break.

We're inspired by our Young Professionals, who raised $4,500 for Beat the Streets Chicago at the Spartan Race.  Let's double the impact with another $4,500 raised this #GivingTuesday.

To give, click Donate on our main menu or go to

You'll find a PayPal button on the page for online giving.

Thank you.  It truly takes a city.

#ittakesacity #givingtuesday #GT2019 #chicagowrestling